"My role as a principal is to ensure an equitable education experience for ALL students, no matter their race or economic status. It's not the zip code but the equitable access inside the zip code. Students need rigorous, engaging, and equitable instruction no matter where they are from. There are many members of DST that work within the school system, and those who volunteer within the school system who seek to provide these experiences for students everyday. Delta provides opportunities through Delta GEMS, Delta Academy, and the Debutante Scholarship program that allow students to learn outside the walls of school."
Ebony Hutchinson, Principal
Spare Lids
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Event
"Plastics are a rapidly growing segment of municipal solid waste (MSW). While plastics are found in all major MSW categories, the containers and packaging category had the most plastic tonnage at over 14.5 million tons in 2018."

Current and Previous Programs & Initiatives
Arts & Letters
Cyber Security Webinar
Human Trafficking Awareness (virtual content)
Holiday Shopping Safety PSA (virtual content)